Disaster Management in Cuttack

Cuttack is situated on the delta formed by the river Mahanadi and its subsidiaries, Kathjori and Kuakhai. Cuttack district is highly prone to natural disasters like flood and cyclone due to its geographical location.

Disaster Management in Cuttack

Cuttack District has been a victim of disasters, both natural and man- made, many a times in its past. Droughts, earthquakes, sunstroke, fire accidents, floods and cyclone are some of the common disasters that have hit the city. Losses caused by disasters continue to mount year after year. The need for an effective disaster management strategy to lessen disaster impact was being felt in many quarters and also for strengthening of organizational structure for disaster management. And hence the District Disaster Management Plan was launched in the year 2009 by the Government of Odisha.

National Cyclone Risk Mitigation Project (NCRMP)

National Cyclone Risk Mitigation Project (NCRMP) has been crafted to strengthen the structural and non-structural mitigation efforts towards reducing the risk and vulnerability of the coastal districts of Odisha to cyclone-related disasters. Implementation of NCRMP in Odisha has been approved in first stage of a Centrally Sponsored Scheme. The central share is being funded by the World Bank as an Adaptable Program Loan with an International Development Association (IDA) credit. The project for Odisha is being implemented in six coastal districts such as Balasore, Bhadrak, Ganjam, Jagatsinghpur, Kendrapada and Puri.

Disaster Risk Management Program

The Government of Odisha has implemented the Disaster Risk Management (DRM) program in 16 disaster-prone districts with the support of the Government of India (Ministry of Home Affairs) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) to reduce the vulnerabilities of calamities and disasters in the state. Along with Odisha this program is also being implemented in 18 other states of India

Here's a list of activities carried on in partnership with state nodal agencies and civil society response groups:
  • Awareness Campaign Strategy
  • Community Based Disaster Preparedness Program
  • Heat wave Safety Tips
  • Multi-purpose Cyclone Shelters
  • Nutrition, Health & Hygiene
  • First-Aid Techniques and Search and Rescue Techniques
  • Gender equity in disaster preparedness and mitigation
  • Formation of Disaster Management Team/ Committees

Disaster Risk Management Plan

The trained volunteers, government functionaries, CBOs/NGOs and PRIs facilitate the process of development of Contingency Plan [CCP] based on the vulnerability of the areas and available resources and form the DMT as per the need at village / ward, Gram Panchayat and Blocks disaster risk management plan respectively. Palli Sabha, Gram Sabha and Panchayat Samities approves all the plans respectively to make it as a part of the ongoing program. The District Disaster Management Committees have developed the district multi-hazard risk management plan with support from the UNDP District Project Officer and prepared response plans to meet the emergency needs after undertaking resource mapping and vulnerability analysis. Based on the disaster preparedness and response plan there are the mock being drills being organized before disaster seasons to find out the feasibility of the plan and to ensure greater role clarity of the key players. It also ensures the availability and functional condition of equipments and resources.

National Program for Capacity Building of Architects in Earthquake Risk Management (NPCBAERM)

Govt. of India sponsored NPCBAERM program which is being implemented for capacity building of serving as well as practicing architects in the State. Two State Resource Institutes (SRI), College of Engineering & Technology, Bhubaneswar and Piloo Modi College of Architecture, Cuttack have been identified to impart training to the Architects. Funds have been provided to the State Resource Institutes for conducting the training programs.

Urban Earthquake Vulnerability Reduction Program

To address the vulnerabilities of the populous urban agglomerations and to promote mitigation strategies, a sub-component to the DRM program, the Urban Earthquake Vulnerability Reduction program has been initiated in forty cities with populations exceeding half-million and falling in Seismic Risk Zones (III to V) around the country along with seven North Eastern capital cities. The program is being implemented in Bhubaneswar, Cuttack and Sambalpur towns in Odisha.

National Program for Capacity Building of Engineers in Earthquake Risk Management (NPCBEERM)

Govt. of India sponsored NPCBEERM program is being implemented in the State of Odisha for capacity building of civil engineers in earthquake preventive design and construction. Four Engineering Colleges have been identified as State Resource Institutions (SRI) for training of engineers.
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